Get Ready for Ski & Snowboard Season: A No-Nonsense, No-Excuses 12-Week Fitness Program

It’s that time of year again. The leaves are turning, pumpkin spice lattes are everywhere, and you’re realizing your legs aren’t quite ready to handle the first run of the season without turning to jelly. But fear not, fellow snow enthusiast—this 12-week pre-season fitness program is here to get you back in slope-shredding shape. Whether you’re gearing up to hit the bunny slopes or planning to throw down on some black diamonds, this is your blueprint for not embarrassing yourself (and possibly avoiding injury) come December.

Program Breakdown:

  • Weeks 1-4: The “Oh No, I Should’ve Started Sooner” Phase
  • Weeks 5-8: Actually, I’m Getting Pretty Strong
  • Weeks 9-12: Bring On the Mountain, Baby

You’ve got 12 weeks. That’s plenty of time to get your act together. Grab some dumbbells, find a yoga mat that’s not collecting dust, and get to work. This plan combines strength, cardio, balance, and flexibility because, spoiler alert, you’re gonna need it all.

Weeks 1-4: The “Oh No, I Should’ve Started Sooner” Phase

Welcome to the foundation phase, a.k.a. the time when your muscles will remind you that sitting around all summer wasn’t the best prep for skiing. It’s all about easing back into fitness, but don’t worry, you’ll start feeling strong by the end of these four weeks (hopefully).


  • Day 1: Leg Day (Yeah, it’s happening)
  • Day 2: Cardio (Your lungs will thank you)
  • Day 3: Active Recovery (Code for: Please, stretch before you pull something)
  • Day 4: Upper Body (Because you’ll need arms, too)
  • Day 5: Cardio + Balance (Balancing on one leg in public builds character)
  • Day 6: Rest (But not like, “Netflix binge” rest)
  • Day 7: You’re still resting

Key Workouts:

  1. Leg Day
    Squats (3 sets of 12. Imagine your legs as steel pistons… or at least pretend)
    Lunges (3 sets of 12 per leg. Prepare to hate stairs tomorrow)
    Glute Bridges (You’ll feel these, 3 sets of 15)
    Step-Ups (3 sets of 10. The higher the step, the more you’ll question your life choices)
    Calf Raises (3 sets of 15. Tippy toes like you mean it)
  2. Cardio + Core
    – 30-45 minutes of cardio (You know, the thing that makes you sweat)
    Planks (3 x 30 seconds. It’ll feel like forever, I promise)
    Russian Twists (3 sets of 20. Pretend you’re Rocky training for that big fight)
    Bicycle Crunches (3 sets of 20. Yes, they burn. Good.)

Weeks 5-8: Actually, I’m Getting Pretty Strong

Congratulations! You’re not a complete weakling anymore. Now we turn things up a notch because those snow-covered mountains aren’t going to conquer themselves.


  • Day 1: Lower Body (Again? Yes, again.)
  • Day 2: Cardio + Plyometrics (A fancy word for “jumping around like a madman”)
  • Day 3: Active Recovery (More stretching, less complaining)
  • Day 4: Core & Upper Body (You’ll need that core to stay upright, trust me)
  • Day 5: Agility + Balance (So you can dodge other skiers and not faceplant)
  • Day 6: Rest (You’ve earned it)
  • Day 7: See Day 6

Key Workouts:

  1. Leg Day (Again)
    Weighted Squats (4 sets of 10. Go ahead, add some weight and pretend you’re a beast)
    Lateral Lunges (3 sets of 12. Sideways squats because forward’s too easy now)
    Romanian Deadlifts (3 sets of 10. Your hamstrings will be lit)
    Single-Leg Deadlifts (3 sets of 10. Balancing on one leg is harder than it looks, huh?)
  2. Cardio + Plyometrics
    – 20-30 minutes of cardio (you know the drill)
    Box Jumps (3 sets of 10. Warning: You may feel like a kangaroo)
    Lateral Ski Jumps (3 sets of 20. Because skiing is the goal, after all)
    Burpees (3 sets of 10. These never get easier, so just embrace the suffering)

Weeks 9-12: Bring On the Mountain, Baby

You’ve made it. This is where you become the skiing or snowboarding legend you’ve always imagined. Well, maybe not a legend, but at least you won’t need a stretcher by lunchtime.


  • Day 1: Power + Legs (Explosive, like your future on the slopes)
  • Day 2: HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training, or as I like to call it: “Regret Day”)
  • Day 3: Core + Agility (Yes, more balance, because we don’t want you to eat snow)
  • Day 4: Active Recovery (A peaceful reminder that you deserve to chill for a bit)
  • Day 5: Total Body Power (Explosive power, because slopes don’t ride themselves)
  • Day 6: Rest (Nap if you want. You’ve earned it.)
  • Day 7: Rest (But don’t get lazy—snow is coming)

Key Workouts:

  1. Power + Legs
    Jump Squats (4 sets of 10. Imagine leaping off a mogul. You’re almost there.)
    Step-Ups with Weights (3 sets of 12 per leg. Your legs will be iron by December)
    Single-Leg Box Jumps (3 sets of 8 per leg. Balance and power—two birds, one jump)
    Sled Pushes or Farmers Carries (3 sets. Pretend you’re pushing someone slower than you out of the way)
  2. HIIT (Regret Day)
    – 20-30 minutes of interval sprints (Feel free to curse my name during this one)
    Jump Lunges (4 sets of 12. Because why should this be easy?)
    Mountain Climbers (4 sets of 20. You’re practically scaling Everest)
    Lateral Hops (4 sets of 20. Get used to moving sideways like a pro)

Final Thoughts

You’ve got 12 weeks to turn yourself from summer sloth into a skiing/snowboarding beast. This program will get you stronger, faster, and more agile so you don’t wipe out in front of everyone (again). Stick with it, and by December, you’ll be cruising down the mountain with ease while everyone else is struggling to keep up.

Author: Climb_CA